International conference: Nostalgia on the Move – Panel 3
- Production: Nakama
- Muriel Blaive
- Nataša Jaghuhn
- Nevena Skrbić Alempijević
- Nikolai Vukov
- Тype: Video
- Nostalgia
- Yugo-nostalgia
- Event: Heroes We love
- Datе : 30.09.2016.
Personal memories vs. official narratives – Opposing dominant discourses
Dr. Nevena Skrbić Alempijević: Embodying memory, commemorating the past: the Day of Youth celebrations in Kumrovec
Dr. Muriel Blaive: Writing the history of communism in the Czech Republic: Political correctness vs. nostalgia/retro
Dr. Nikolai Vukov: Former day of socialist victory: The 9th of september in the ritual ceremonies of post-1989 Bulgaria