For Schools
With its educational programs, the Museum of Yugoslavia strives, in cooperation with educators, teachers, lecturers and professors, to enrich the school curricula in the areas of social, cultural and political history, sociology, civil rights and arts. From thematic workshops to guided tours tailored to targeted age, the Museum seeks to promote and offer a different picture of a museum in the eyes of the young audience, compared to the image that is common among these visitors.
Museum programs aimed at school children are always designed as interactive in order to foster dialogue and freedom of expression of all the participants, and their main goals are the development of critical thinking and actualization of the Museum contents for the experience gained during the visit to the Museum to be used in everyday life.
Programs designed for the youngest visitors of the Museum, for kindergartens and preschoolers primarily have the animation character and are directed towards the development of creativity and nurturing the first positive memories of the visit. The Museum’s workshop program is diverse, it varies depending on the theme that accompanies the current exhibition and on the age of the children it has been designed for. Guided tours can be scheduled throughout the year.

The Origins: The Background for Understanding the Museum of Yugoslavia
Creation of a European type of museum was affected by a number of practices and concepts of collecting, storing and usage of items.

New Mappings of Europe

Museum Laboratory
Starting from the Museum collection as the main source for researching social phenomena and historical moments important for understanding the experience of life in Yugoslavia, the exhibition examines the Yugoslav heritage and the institution of the Museum