The May 25 Museum is a typical symbol of the architecture of representative buildings in Belgrade in the 1960s, one of the first purpose-built buildings of its kind in Belgrade and Serbia. It also has an important place in the creative work of Mihailo Janković, one of the leading Belgrade and Yugoslav artists of that period.
After sixty years of its existence, nowdays, the content, concept and programs of the May 25 Museum has exceed by far the importance and the scope of work set before this institution at the time of its founding.
The original function of the May 25 Museum, since its founding until today, has not changed – it is a public institution with an exhibition space where permanent and temporary exhibitions are organized, with a cinema hall for film projections and various gatherings, seminars, and lectures. The facility also has spaces for storing items, for conservation, as well as rooms for employees. The largest part of the collection of the Museum of Yugoslavia is located in the depots of the May 25 Museum.
When it comes to its renovation, our approach is very responsible and careful, because the building of the May 25 Museum is our important facility, which has great testimonial potential. During the reconstruction works, we took special care to preserve, as far as possible, the original design of Mihailo Janković. We restored the thermo-technical installations (2018), taking care of the numerous items that had been entrusted to us, and we have successfully carried out works on the current maintenance, restoration and adaptation of the interior.
The last phase of the renovation, restoration and conservation works of the facades and adjacent plateaus, designed by Dejan Todorović, has just begun and the May 25 Museum will once again be closed for visitors until the second half of 2023.
After the renovation, the May 25 Museum will be declared a cultural monument.

The Origins: The Background for Understanding the Museum of Yugoslavia
Creation of a European type of museum was affected by a number of practices and concepts of collecting, storing and usage of items.

New Mappings of Europe

Museum Laboratory
Starting from the Museum collection as the main source for researching social phenomena and historical moments important for understanding the experience of life in Yugoslavia, the exhibition examines the Yugoslav heritage and the institution of the Museum